How to Install Your Own Fence

Your Fencing Experts

01865 638152

How to Install Your Own Fence

Installing your own fence can be a time-consuming and difficult job for the average person. However, if you follow these simple steps, it will be much easier!

The first thing you'll need to do is pick out which type of fence material you want to use. Then, measure how long the perimeter of your property is so that you know how many panels to buy.

Next, dig holes in each corner and place posts at the bottom of those holes before securing them with concrete or another strong adhesive. Finally, attach panels to posts by drilling metal screws through one side and into the other until they're securely fastened together on both sides.

What Type of Fence to Install:

Knowing which type of fence you want to install  is a very important decision. There are many fence types to choose from, and they're all different in terms of cost, installation time, durability and aesthetic appeal.

- Wood Fences

Wood fences may be the most inexpensive type of fence because it's easier to find materials for them. They also have some benefits - such as being able to match whatever natural surroundings you may want (trees or shrubs). However, wood fences typically need additional upkeep throughout the years so that their appearance remains fresh; this means painting every few years or replacing boards periodically.

- Vinyl Fences

Vinyl fencing is comparatively lower in price than other fence options but has significantly higher up-keeping needs over time with regular washing necessary.

Metal fencing is another great option,  but is often more expensive and requires fence posts to be installed.

- Composite Fences

Composite fences may have the highest up-keeping needs because, being synthetic materials, they need to be cleaned regularly with soap and water. They also require regular staining (usually every two years). However, composite fence panels are typically less pricey than other types of fence and can offer an appealing look that blends in with any natural surroundings you desire - trees or shrubs as well as gardens for example.

No matter what type of fence you choose it's important to consider your budget when looking at options so that you find a balance between cost, installation time, durability and aesthetic appeal. The best fence will depend on personal preference.

One option is hiring a contractor who installs fences for a living but if the property owner wants to save money they may consider installing their own fence since many DIY kits come with full instructions and all the materials needed (including posts) at quite reasonable.

If you decide to hire a fence contractor it is important that he or she be experienced with the type of fence you want. For example, chain link fences are often installed for dogs and people who need more visibility on their property but they have drawbacks:

The advantages of installing a fence yourself include saving money and being able to choose from nearly unlimited options including wood, vinyl, steel mesh -Installing a fence doesn't have to be hard, and in some cases, the homeowner may choose to install fence posts himself or herself; this is often done when there are no obstructions in the ground (such as rocks) and where digging large holes can be completed without any problems.

The fence post installation begins with measuring for an appropriate height of the fence between four and seven feet off of the ground - typically around six feet high on residential properties.

The next step involves drilling several hole deep into each side at about two foot intervals using a power auger drill.

One person should stand by with ropes and water while another drills holes until they reach depth that will enable them to push the wooden fence stakes through effortlessly.

Of course our team of fencing pros are here to help if you have any issues, or would prefer to outsouce the work to someone else.

If this is the case, feel free to give us a call today and we'll be more than happy to provide you with a free, no obligation

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